Von Bilal Ad
Nach einem Streit zwischen Libanesen und Syrern, wurde ein Flüchtlingslager in der Region Minyeh von Libanesen angezündet. Infolge der Explosion von Gaskanistern brannte das Lager komplett ab und 75 Familien sind jetzt obdachlos. Der Streit brach los als die Syrer ihren Lohn forderten und die Libanesen ihn verweigerten.
Der Libanon beherbergt etwa 1,5 Millionen Syrer, darunter etwa eine Million, die bei den Vereinten Nationen als Flüchtlinge registriert sind.
Wie lange wird die libanesische Regierung über all diese Verstöße gegen die syrischen Flüchtlinge schweigen? Der Libanon hat die syrischen Flüchtlinge immer sehr schlecht behandelt und nach Schätzungen der Vereinten Nationen in den letzten Jahren sogar die roten Linien in Bezug auf internationale Fragen und Konventionen nach allen Normen überschritten. Syrien war während all seiner internen oder externen Kriege immer ein offenes Zuhause für das libanesische Volk aller Religionen. Die UN versagt ebenfalls. Das Bedauern und Verurteilen der Misshandlung syrischer Flüchtlinge im Libanon ist nicht genug.
English version:
A large fire broke out in a camp for Syrians in the Miniyeh region in northern Lebanon, and some of the wounded were taken to hospital
The camp houses about 75 families.
Lebanon hosts about 1.5 million Syrians, including about one million registered as refugees with the United Nations
A quarrel arose in the district of Hanin in the Lebanese Minya, when Syrian workers demanded a wage, which the employers refused to pay the workers earlier. As a result of these harassment, a woman from the camp was also harassed, which sparked a bigger and wider fuse of hatred. And others led to the camp completely erupting, and also the gas canisters inside the tents were the horrific bombs
As a result of the explosion of household gas canisters.
As usual, the Lebanese army intervened in the moments after the disaster with units affiliated with it in an attempt to control the situation on the ground and control the situation and prevent the renewal of clashes between the causative and affected families
For how long will the Lebanese government remain silent on all these violations against the Syrian refugees?
Lebanon has always treated the Syrian refugees very poorly, even exceeding the red lines with regard to international issues and conventions by all norms, according to United Nations estimates, violations of the right of refugees over the past years.
Syria has always been open homes for the Lebanese people of all religions during all of its wars.
The UN also failed. The High Commissioner for Refugees What is your mission? A question that always arises, where are you at this time. „Regret and condemnation of these grave abuses are no longer suitable for sheltering dozens who fled from the blaze of fire. Their tents were burned, almost completely burned.“